This post explains the gout VA disability rating and symptoms.
Understanding the VA Disability Bilateral Factor
Veterans with disabilities on the right and left sides of their body or in paired skeletal muscles may qualify for the bilateral factor.
VA Disability Benefits for Compartment Syndrome
The compartment syndrome VA rating is based on the severity of symptoms and is determined using varying diagnostic codes. This post explains.
Veterans Can Get a Costochondritis or Tietze Syndrome VA Rating
Veterans with Tietze syndrome or costochondritis caused by their military service may be eligible for a VA rating. Find out how.
Getting a TMJ VA Disability Rating
If you’re a veteran with a TMJ diagnosis or experiencing symptoms, you may be eligible for a TMJ VA rating.
VA Rating for Bruxism
This post explains the bruxism VA rating and how you may be able to qualify, particularly if you develop TMD.