You can get VA disability benefits for various mental health issues, including PTSD, whether you saw combat or not.
How Drug Use and Drug Rehab Can Affect Your VA Benefits and Rating
You may worry you’ll lose VA benefits for drug use. That’s why it’s important to understand the connection between VA disability and drugs.
Anxiety VA Rating and Benefits
Excessive anxiety can seriously affect a veteran’s mental health and ability to work. Fortunately, VA benefits for anxiety can help.
Getting an OCD VA Rating
If you developed OCD as a result of your military service, read on to understand the OCD VA rating and the disorder’s link to other conditions like PTSD.
What Veterans Can Do if They Can’t Work Because of PTSD
TDIU for PTSD can help veterans who can’t work because of trauma related to military service.
Moral Injury VA Disability Rating
Veterans who experienced a moral injury during service could be eligible for monthly, tax-free VA disability compensation.