New and Material evidence is part of the old appeals system. It is a necessary part of your claim. Find out what it means and how to use it.
What Are the VA Disability Ratings for Back Pain?
The VA rates back pain by how much the spine is affected and the severity of movement loss. Read on to understand VA ratings for back pain.
Help for Veterans Who Experienced Sexual Assault during Military Service
Although there is no MST VA rating, veterans who experienced MST may be eligible for VA disability due to conditions caused by MST.
Can the VA reduce my PTSD rating?
The VA can reexamine your disability rating 6 months after leaving active-duty service or between 2 and 5 years from the date you were granted disability benefits. VA disability law follows strict guidelines about rating reductions, and per the Code of Federal Regulations, it may only reduce your rating after: The VA has reviewed the […]
What is a VA Effective Date?
A wrong effective date can result in months or years of lost benefits, which can add up to tens of thousands of dollars. Learn how to make sure you have the earliest possible effective date.
How to Read a VA Rating Decision
When the VA finishes processing your claim, you will receive a rating decision in the mail. This article explains how to read and understand it.
What Links PTSD and Sleep Apnea to Military Service?
There is a link between sleep apnea and post-traumatic stress disorder. This article explains how a veteran may connect the two to military service and receive VA disability benefits.
Will veterans who received an anthrax vaccine get VA benefits?
Veterans seeking disability benefits related to the anthrax vaccine face a challenge of convincing the VA the vaccine caused side effects.
VA Disability Benefits for Losing a Leg
Veterans who have lost a leg, foot, or toes from service-related injuries or illnesses are eligible for VA loss of limb compensation. The amount of the monthly disability payment depends on the location of an amputation or the loss of functionality.
How a TBI VA Rating is Decided
Understanding the TBI VA rating can make a big difference in how much back pay and monthly compensation your receive.