This post explains the VA disability rating for pulmonary fibrosis and what veterans can do if they can’t work because of their condition.
How Veterans Can Get a VA Rating for Bronchitis
If you believe your bronchitis diagnosis was caused by your time in service, you may be eligible for a chronic bronchitis VA rating.
VIDEO: Full List of Burn Pit Presumptive Conditions
VA disability lawyer Lori Underwood explains the PACT Act and provides the full list of burn pit presumptive conditions.
VA Disability for Speech Problems
While you may not think of your speech condition as related to your service, there are cases where a speech impairment could qualify you for VA disability.
VA Disability Ratings for COVID-19
While COVID-19 does not currently have its own VA diagnostic code, you may be eligible for benefits for residual effects of the illness.
VA Disability Rating for Constrictive Bronchiolitis
Symptoms of constrictive bronchiolitis are similar to asthma, which makes it hard to diagnose. The disease is now on the VA’s list of presumptive conditions associated with exposure to burn pits.