Getting an essential tremor VA rating could provide you with disability benefits you deserve.
VA Disability Rating for Parkinson’s Disease
If you’re a veteran with service-connected Parkinson’s, you’ll want to learn more about getting a VA rating for Parkinson’s disease.
Getting Radiculopathy VA Benefits
The VA provides a radiculopathy VA rating for veterans based on the nerves affected and the condition’s severity.
VA Benefits for Alzheimer’s and Dementia
Veterans are at higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s or dementia due to service-connected conditions like PTSD, traumatic brain injury, and depression.
VA Rating for Chronic Pain
VA ratings for chronic pain are based on symptoms or other conditions caused by your pain. Veterans who can’t work can also receive VA unemployability benefits if their ratings are at a certain level.
How Restless Legs Syndrome is Related to Other Conditions
Veterans can receive a VA rating for restless legs syndrome on its own or as a secondary service connection to sleep apnea or PTSD.