Woods & Woods VA disability lawyers have represented thousands of veterans and their families. Call us and ask all the questions you have about VA disability benefits. There is never a cost to call and learn your legal rights as a disabled veteran. For your free legal consultation on West Virginia veterans benefits, fill out our online contact form or call toll-free (812) 426-7200.
Our VA disability lawyers can help veterans in West Virginia.
Woods & Woods represents veterans all over West Virginia. We accept veterans disability benefits clients from every city in West Virginia, including: Charleston, Huntington, Parkersburg, Morgantown, Wheeling, Weirton, Weirton Heights, Fairmont, Beckley, and Martinsburg.
Woods & Woods is a nationwide law firm based in Evansville, Indiana. From our main office we have helped veterans in all 50 states and even some U.S. territories. Our VA disability lawyers have represented many disabled veterans in West Virginia. Our nationwide VA disability law firm works with doctors, psychologists, and vocational experts to help you win your West Virginia veterans benefits.
Types of West Virginia veterans benefits our VA disability lawyers help with.
The VA disability lawyers at Woods & Woods have helped veterans with just about any kind of VA disability claim. Before you hire a VA disability lawyer, ask if they have handled the type of claim you have – each claim type has different legal standards. Here are some of the most common claims that Woods & Woods has handled:
- Individual Unemployability
- Individual Unemployability Denials
- 100 Percent Veterans Benefits Claims
- Agent Orange
- VA Benefits Appeals
- Clear and Unmistakable Error (CUE) Claims
- Military Sexual Trauma Claims
- VA Claims With Lost Records
- Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) Claims
- Back Pay Disputes
- VA Unemployability Benefits
- VA Disability Payments
What impairments are eligible for West Virginia veterans benefits?
There are lots of mental and physical impairments that veterans are eligible for VA disability benefits. As a general rule, if your impairment is related to your military service, it may be considered service-connected. Some of the most common impairments ailing veterans are:
- Bipolar Disorder Veterans Benefits
- Cancer Veterans Benefits
- Depression Veterans Benefits
- Diabetes Veterans Benefits
- Fibromyalgia Claims
- Heart Disease Claims
- Mental Conditions
- Mesothelioma Veterans Benefits
- Physical Condtions
- PTSD Veterans Benefits
- Schizophrenia Claims
- Sleep Apnea Benefits
- Sleep Disorder Claims
- Traumatic Brain Injuries
Here one of our VA disability lawyers goes over the questions Woods & Woods, The Veteran’s Firm, is often asked about veterans’ disability claims and appeals.
Talk to Woods & Woods VA disability lawyers about your West Virginia veterans benefits claim for free.
Woods & Woods veterans disability lawyers have years of experience fighting for veterans and their families. We help veterans nationwide including in West Virginia. We have a team of lawyers, doctors, psychologists, case managers, and paralegals to help you win your West Virginia veterans benefits claim.
At Woods & Woods, the Veteran’s Firm, we’ve helped thousands of veterans with their VA disability applications and appeals.
Call us today to discuss your VA disability appeal. The call is free and we won’t charge you until we win your case. You can look for a VA disability attorney near you or call us and join the thousands of veterans living off of VA disability thanks to Woods & Woods.
Talk to Us About Your Claim:
(812) 426-7200