Why hire a South Carolina Veterans Disability Benefits attorney for VA appeals?
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You Have Been Denied
If your claim has been wrongly denied, a South Carolina Veterans Disability Benefits attorney for VA appeals can help. Appealing a VA denial is complicated. The entire appeals process can take years. Writing legal briefs, collecting evidence, obtaining expert reports, etc., is difficult for disabled veterans and their family members. When you hire a South Carolina Veterans Disability Benefits attorney at Woods & Woods, you can rest assured that your appeal is being handled correctly.
You Have Received a Low-Rating
The VA often gives veterans low-ratings – this is common practice. Do not be afraid to appeal a bad VA decision. Too many veterans give up after they receive a low-rating. You have rights as a disabled veteran. A South Carolina Veterans Disability Benefits attorney can help protect your rights. Let us handle the VA for you.
You Have a Complicated Claim
If you have a complicated VA Disability claim, we suggest you at least talk with a South Carolina Veterans Disability Benefits attorney for a free consultation. If your claim is for TDIU benefits, secondary service-connected impairments, or you have multiple impairments denied, it’s time for a VA Disability lawyer. If you have a simple claim for tinnitus, a free South Carolina veterans service is probably sufficient.
You Have Already Tried the DAV, VFW, or a VSO
We want to start this section by saying not all free veterans services in South Carolina do a subpar job. However, most of our clients were first denied while using a free veterans service. We see the sloppy legal work that many free veterans services do because we are the ones who clean up the mess they made of new clients’ claims. Our lawyers have seen it all; irrelevant evidence, lack of evidence, forms filled out incorrectly, bad legal arguments, secondary service-connected impairments missing, incorrect usage of the law and more. We can’t stress how important it is to get competent legal help with your VA Disability claim.
You Have Missing Evidence and Service Records
If you have missing service records and evidence a South Carolina Veterans Disability Benefits attorney can help. We regularly win cases where the client had missing service and medical records. There are ways to create new evidence that can be submitted with your claim. Our VA Disability lawyers often obtain reports from experts like doctors, psychologists, and vocational experts. Woods & Woods can also contact family and friends for lay statements about your service and impairments. We can also create buddy statements from individuals you served with to prove certain events happened.
What types of cases can a South Carolina Veterans Disability Benefits attorney help with?
VA Disability Appeals
A South Carolina Veterans Disability Benefits attorney for VA appeals can fight your denial for you. Our Veterans Disability Benefits lawyers have successfully filed thousands of VA appeals. We know how the VA appeal system works, the laws, rules, and the thousands of regulations that can affect your claim.
Increased Rating Claims
If your service-connected mental and physical conditions have worsened since your last Rating Decision, you may be able to file an increased rating claim. Many veterans are forced to file an increased rating claim because many mental and physical conditions do worsen over time. An increased rating claim is not the same as an appeal. An increased rating claim can only be filed twelve months after your last rating decision. On the other hand, an appeal must be filed within twelve months of your rating decision.
DIC Benefits for Widows
A South Carolina Veterans Disability Benefits attorney for VA appeals can help widows and dependents of veterans. Unfortunately, the VA denies a large number of Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) claims. The VA has a long track record of denying dependents because the veteran’s death “was not service-connected.” However, what we find is that the VA is often wrong. We regularly find that a secondary service-connected impairment was actually the cause of death for the veteran. Talk to our experienced DIC veteran widow benefits attorneys if you were denied.
Clear and Unmistakable Error (CUE) Claims
A South Carolina Veterans Disability Benefits attorney for VA appeals can help with CUE claims. While the VA makes many mistakes, there actually aren’t that many CUE claims out there. What we find is that while many mistakes are made during a veteran’s claim, they often don’t rise to the level of a CUE claim. An experienced VA Disability lawyer can find ways around a CUE claim with other legal strategies. However, occasionally the VA makes systematic errors like they recently did with Military Sexual Trauma (MST) claims. VA case handlers botched 49% of MST claims recently processed.
Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU)
Veterans in South Carolina that cannot work form their service-connected conditions may be eligible for Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU) Benefits. These benefits pay the same as a 100% VA rating, but veterans are not required to obtain a 100% VA rating. TDIU benefits are a safety net for veterans with lower ratings, yet severe conditions that prevent them from working. TDIU benefits can be obtained at the same time as Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits.
What conditions qualify for VA Disability Benefits?
Below are the some the most common mental and physical conditions that veterans contact a South Carolina Veterans Disability Benefits attorney about. A South Carolina Veterans Disability Benefits attorney can help with any direct or secondary service-connected impairment.
If your mental and/or physical condition was caused or aggravated by active-duty military service, your condition may be service-connected. Mental and physical conditions that are secondary to your service-connected condition may also be considered service-connected.
Here are some of the most common mental and physical conditions eligible for VA Disability Benefits:
Service-Connected Mental Conditions
- Anxiety Veterans Benefits Claims
- Bipolar Disorder Veterans Disability Benefits
- Major Depressive Disorder VA Disability Benefits
- Military Sexual Trauma (MST) VA Benefits Claims
- Panic Disorder Veterans Disability Benefits
- PTSD VA Disability Benefits Claims
- Schizoaffective Disorder Veterans Benefits
- Schizophrenia VA Disability Benefit Claims
Service-Connected Physical Conditions
- Back Pain VA Benefits Claims
- Cancer Veterans Disability Benefits
- Diabetes VA Disability Benefits
- Fibromyalgia VA Benefits Claims
- Head Injury VA Rating Claims
- Heart Disease VA Disability Claims
- Migraine Headache VA Disability Claims
- Sleep Apnea VA Benefits Claims
- Traumatic Brain Injury VA Disability Claims
Talk to a South Carolina Veterans Disability Benefits attorney for free.
Since 1985, Woods & Woods has served America’s injured and disabled people. Our tough VA Disability Benefits attorneys have represented countless numbers of veterans in South Carolina. When you hire Woods & Woods, you get a team of lawyers, case managers, case analysts, in-house doctors, psychologists, support staff, vocational experts and more.
We don’t just try to win VA Disability Benefits appeals, we also strive to keep clients happy through excellent customer service. We want you to know what is going on with your VA Disability Benefits claim at all times. Our staff will send you regular status updates. We’ll let you know every time something important has been submitted to the VA. Our system has worked for thousands of happy former clients.
Free Legal Consultation
There is never a charge to find out if you have a case from our VA Disability Compensation Lawyers. We can help you figure out what to do next with your claim. We may review your Rating Decision and medical records to see how we can best assist you. Veterans from South Carolina call our law firm during all different stages of their claims. Our VA Disability Benefits lawyers can help South Carolina’s veterans with the application all the way to the CAVC.
Free Application Help
If you have not applied yet, give Woods & Woods VA Disability Benefits lawyers a call. There is never a charge for help or questions about your VA Disability Benefits application. Our Veterans Disability Benefits lawyers have helped thousands of vets obtain ratings for free with their application alone. This is a free service of Woods & Woods for veterans.
You Only Pay if Your Appeal is Won
Woods & Woods will only charge a fee if your appeal is won. Our VA Disability Benefits lawyers fee is a percentage of backpay earned and case expenses. We never touch your future benefits. Woods & Woods will never bill by the hour. Our VA Disability lawyers will never charge South Carolina’s veterans for phone calls. Our contracts are simple and straight-forward so clients can understand them. If your appeal is not won, you pay our VA Disability lawyers nothing.
Dedicated and Experienced Lawyers
At Woods & Woods, you’ll always get an experienced VA-Certified Disability attorney. Our law firm is nationally recognized for the work we do for veterans. Our VA Disability lawyers have weekly strategy sessions, spend hours researching, and use their decades of knowledge to help clients win their VA Disability Benefits claims.
Talk to Us About Your Claim:
(812) 426-7200

Neil Woods
VA disability attorney
Woods & Woods
Neil Woods is the firm’s owner and president. He received his law degree from Western Michigan University.