We provide this free VA disability rating calculator to help you estimate your combined VA rating. In VA math, 80% disability plus another 20% disability doesn’t add up to a 100% rating. Follow the steps below and let’s see if we can help you get the rating you deserve. We use all of the current ratings and update the calculator regularly. You don’t need a VA disability math chart with our handy calculator. (This is a VA disability estimator. It uses the correct process to calculate your VA disability rating, but doesn’t replace the Veterans affairs administration official calculation.)
These rates are effective from December 1, 2024 to November 30, 2025, so while the law was passed in 2024, these are considered the 2025 VA disability rates.
Click the button below that matches your level of disability. If you have two issues that are 10% each in your right arm, click the 10% button twice. Issues such as PTSD or Sexual Trauma go under “Additional Disability” at whichever rating level. You can erase any of your selections by clicking the X above the list below.
It’s important to note that if you have a service-connected disability affecting paired body parts, such as your right and left arms, you may be eligible for an additional 10% rating because of a special consideration called the bilateral factor. If this applies to you, you don’t need a separate VA bilateral factor calculator to determine your rating, as it is already built into this calculator for your convenience.
Left Leg
Right Leg
Left Arm
Right Arm
Additional Disability
Disabilities List (click to remove)
How many dependent children do you have who are under the age of 18?
How many dependent children do you have who are between the ages of 18 and 23?
This only takes effect once you reach a 30% or higher rating, but fill it in any way. Children who were under 18 at the time of your filing should be included.
Children count if they are still in school or were classified as disabled before age 18.
What is your marital status?
How many dependent parents do you have?
Current VA Disability Rating
Estimated Monthly Payment Amount
$0This is your estimate based on the above answers. We will try to get you what you deserve, but this is only an estimate at this stage of your application.
Monthly VA Benefit Calculator
According to the current Veterans Compensation Benefits Rate Tables – Effective 12/1/24, this is how much you will receive with the estimated rating. These rates will be in effect until November 30, 2025.
Current VA Disability Rating
Estimated Monthly Payment Amount
Combined Rating: