VA combined ratings can be confusing. This article will explain how VA math works and share three ways to calculate a VA combined rating.
Understanding the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims and Important CAVC Cases
We explain what the CAVC is, how it differs from the BVA, and some of the key Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims decisions veterans should know about.
Fully Developed Claim for VA Disability Benefits
A fully developed claim for VA disability may mean getting a faster decision on your claim, but requires extra steps. We explain.
Understanding VA Disability After an Arrest or Incarceration
Read this article to learn more about how VA disability works for veterans who are in jail or have been convicted of a felony.
Army VA Disability Benefits
In this blog, we describe what Army disability is, who is eligible, and common service-related conditions among Army veterans.
VIDEO: The Four Types of VA Disability Claims that Can Be Filed Under the AMA System
What are the four types of VA disability claims that can be filed under the AMA system? An accredited VA disability lawyer explains.