Veterans who served at Fort McClellan and later developed health complications may be eligible for VA disability benefits.
Blue Water Navy Act and VA Disability Benefits
This post explains more about who qualifies as a Blue Water Navy veteran and the connection between the Blue Water Navy and Agent Orange.
VA Disability for Karshi-Khanabad (K2) Veterans
Benefits for K2 toxic exposure are increasing, and advocates call for even more coverage. Read on to learn about VA disability for K2 vets.
VA Rating for Thyroid Removal
This post explains VA disability for thyroid removal and how veterans could be compensated after the surgery.
Understanding MUCMI VA Ratings and VA Disability for Gulf War Syndrome
You served in the Gulf War, and now you’re unwell. You may have a MUCMI, or what many veterans refer to as “Gulf War Syndrome.”
VA Disability Claims for Chloracne
Your acne may be related to your service and toxic exposure. Read on to understand chloracne, Agent Orange, and the connection between them.