As a combat veteran, you experienced things that may have changed you. Read on to learn what combat veteran benefits are available to help.
How Combat-Related Special Compensation Works for Veterans
We explain what Combat-Related Special Compensation is, the eligibility criteria for CRSC, how to apply, and how much CRSC you could earn.
SMC K and the Loss of Use of a Creative Organ for VA Disability
We explain what “loss of a creative organ” means, who qualifies for SMC-K, and how SMC-K payments are applied.
Understanding VA Disability After an Arrest or Incarceration
Read this article to learn more about how VA disability works for veterans who are in jail or have been convicted of a felony.
What is Apportionment of VA Benefits?
We explain VA apportionment, including who qualifies for it and under what circumstances.
Factors that Can Increase Your PTSD VA Rating
If you’re unhappy with your VA rating for service-connected PTSD, you can appeal to increase it.