Veterans who have had a stroke may be able to link it to other service-connected conditions including hypertension, PTSD, or TBI.
TBI and PTSD in Veterans
Veterans who experienced a TBI during service are at higher risk for PTSD. Learn how the VA rates veterans with both conditions.
How a TBI VA Rating is Decided
Understanding the TBI VA rating can make a big difference in how much back pay and monthly compensation your receive.
Do Veterans Get Benefits for Carpal Tunnel?
VA disability ratings for carpal tunnel syndrome are based on the severity of the symptoms and whether the condition is in the dominant hand, non-dominant hand, or both.
How Does the VA Rate Foot Drop?
If you have trouble lifting your foot and you believe the problem is related to your military service, you may be eligible for benefits for a condition called foot drop.
VA Rating for Migraines and Secondary Conditions
You may be able to get the max VA rating for migraines if you are a veteran and have migraines often and severe enough.