Veterans with service-connected dermatitis may qualify for a VA disability rating and benefits, which are determined based on the condition’s severity and required treatments.
VA Disability Ratings for Skin Conditions
If you served in the military and now have skin issues like dermatitis or chloracne, you may be eligible for a VA rating for skin conditions.
Getting Your VA Disability Benefits for COPD
We explain how veterans develop COPD because of military service, how the VA rates COPD, and what veterans can do if their COPD keeps them from working.
Pulmonary Fibrosis VA Rating
This post explains the VA disability rating for pulmonary fibrosis and what veterans can do if they can’t work because of their condition.
How Veterans Can Get a VA Rating for Bronchitis
If you believe your bronchitis diagnosis was caused by your time in service, you may be eligible for a chronic bronchitis VA rating.
How the Rhinitis VA Rating Works
If you’re a veteran with a rhinitis diagnosis that is connected to your military service, you may be eligible for a rhinitis VA rating.