Veterans can file Fort Ord VA claims if they were exposed to toxins on base and developed certain health conditions.
The Connection Between Agent Orange and Lung Cancer
If you were exposed to Agent Orange during service and developed lung cancer, you may qualify for Agent Orange lung cancer VA benefits.
VIDEO: Atomic Veterans Can Get VA Disability Benefits for Cancer
VA disability benefits for atomic veterans are explained by VA disability lawyer Zack Evans.
VA Disability Benefits for Veterans with Breast Cancer
If you have service-connected breast cancer, you’re eligible for VA disability. You may also get increased benefits for cancer treatments.
Understanding the Agent Orange Bladder Cancer Connection for VA Disability Benefits
If you were exposed to Agent Orange during service and now have bladder cancer, you may qualify for Agent Orange bladder cancer VA benefits.
VIDEO: Full List of Burn Pit Presumptive Conditions
VA disability lawyer Lori Underwood explains the PACT Act and provides the full list of burn pit presumptive conditions.