If you have an irregular heartbeat from military service, read on to understand the VA disability rating for heart arrhythmia and tachycardia VA rating.
VIDEO: Why Now is a Good Time to File for VA Surviving Spouse Benefits
Now is a good time to file for VA surviving spouse benefits, even if you were denied in the past. VA disability lawyer Zack Evans explains.
VA Ratings for Respiratory Conditions
Presumptive respiratory conditions, PFTS for VA disability, and how to get a VA disability rating for respiratory issues.
Getting an Arteriosclerosis VA Disability Rating
Understanding the VA disability rating for arteriosclerosis can help you know more about what benefits you are entitled to.
Presumption of Service Connection for VA Disability
Learn more about getting VA disability for health conditions the VA automatically assumes were caused by the circumstances of some vets’ military service.
VA Rating for Diabetic Retinopathy
The VA rates diabetic retinopathy as a secondary condition to service-connected diabetes. Ratings are based on severity of visual impairment.