If you were exposed to Agent Orange during service and now have bladder cancer, you may qualify for Agent Orange bladder cancer VA benefits.
VA Ratings for Fungal Skin Infections Like Athlete’s Foot (Tinea Pedis) and Ringworm
Veterans experiencing fungal infections may be eligible to receive a tinea pedis VA rating or ratings for other kinds of skin infections.
How Veterans Can Receive an Eczema VA Disability Rating
Flare-ups of dry, itchy skin can make living with eczema challenging. Read on to learn what eczema is and how to get an eczema VA rating.
Getting a Dermatitis VA Rating
Veterans with service-connected dermatitis may qualify for a VA disability rating and benefits, which are determined based on the condition’s severity and required treatments.
VA Disability Ratings for Skin Conditions
If you served in the military and now have skin issues like dermatitis or chloracne, you may be eligible for a VA rating for skin conditions.
VA Disability Rating for Parkinson’s Disease
If you’re a veteran with service-connected Parkinson’s, you’ll want to learn more about getting a VA rating for Parkinson’s disease.