Getting an essential tremor VA rating could provide you with disability benefits you deserve.
Who Qualifies as a Combat Veteran?
As a combat veteran, you experienced things that may have changed you. Read on to learn what combat veteran benefits are available to help.
VA Lawyers Serving Veterans in Indiana
If you are looking for an experienced and professional VA lawyer in Indiana, call us today for your free case evaluation.
Retired Veterans Could Qualify for CRDP, CRSC, and More
We explain the various types of veteran retirement benefits and how they may be coupled with VA disability benefits, including CRDP.
VA Long-Term Care Benefits for Veterans
Will the VA pay for nursing home care? In many cases, yes! Read on to learn more about eligibility requirements.
Housebound Veterans May Qualify for VA SMC-S
SMC-S assists homebound vets with extra expenses. We explain VA SMC-S requirements, how much it pays, and who qualifies.
Understanding VA Disability for Veterans with Shin Splints
Studies found a higher risk of shin splints among veterans. Learn more about the VA rating for shin splints and how to qualify for compensation.
Where to Find Homeless Veteran Assistance
We explore some of the specialized programs the VA and nonprofit organizations have developed to support homeless veterans.
Veterans Can Get VA Disability for a Deviated Septum
If you are a veteran with a deviated septum from an injury to the face during service, you may qualify for a deviated septum VA rating.
Woods & Woods Serves Veterans in Alabama
Woods & Woods is a nationwide, accredited VA disability law firm that helps veterans in Alabama appealing VA decisions or seeking TDIU.