The risk of osteoporosis is high for many veterans. If the condition ties back to your service, you may be eligible for an osteoporosis VA rating.
Adding Dependents to Your VA Disability Benefits
Many veterans are eligible for VA benefits for family members. Adding dependents to VA disability can lead to an increase in your monthly checks.
Looking for a VA Disability Lawyer? Here are Six Questions to Ask
With your benefits on the line, you want to make sure you hire the right VA attorney. We’ve come up with six questions to help you narrow your search.
VA Disability Rating for Parkinson’s Disease
If you’re a veteran with service-connected Parkinson’s, you’ll want to learn more about getting a VA rating for Parkinson’s disease.
Understanding Deferred VA Claims
We break down what a deferred VA claim means, what to do if you get one, and how you can avoid a VA deferral.
VIDEO: Is the Appeals Modernization Act Better for Veterans?
The AMA and its benefits for veterans are explained by VA disability lawyer Zack Evans.
Granulomatous Disease VA Rating
If you’re a veteran with granulomatous disease, you may be owed VA disability benefits. This post explains how the VA handles and rates the condition.
VA Disability Rating for Deep Vein Thrombosis
We explain the DVT VA rating and what veterans who can’t work due to this condition can do to receive additional compensation.
VIDEO: 7 Common Misconceptions Veterans Have about TDIU Benefits
What are some common misconceptions veterans have about TDIU? VA disability lawyer Neil Woods explains.
Getting Your VA Disability Benefits for COPD
We explain how veterans develop COPD because of military service, how the VA rates COPD, and what veterans can do if their COPD keeps them from working.