A VA lawyer or VSO can help you navigate VA processes, but unfortunately, there are also many scammers out there. This post explains what to look for.
What is a VA Higher-Level Review and Can You Use It?
A higher-level review is one of several appeal options for veterans who disagree with their VA disability decision or rating.
What is the Success Rate for VA Disability Appeals?
The success of your VA disability appeal depends on your unique circumstances. Overall success rates vary and aren’t a reliable predictor for your own case.
Appealing a VA Claim Through the BVA (Board of Veterans’ Appeals)
Veterans have one year to file an appeal if they disagree with a VA decision. There are three methods of appealing–one route is through the BVA.
A Guide to the VA Disability Appeal Process
If you want to appeal the VA’s decision on your disability claim, your options in the VA appeal system depend on a variety of factors. This article explains how to navigate the process.
What are VA Diagnostic Codes and Why Do They Matter?
How do VA diagnostic codes affect your rating, and what happens if your condition is not in the rating schedule? We answer these questions and more.