Veterans with a 70% VA disability rating who believe they qualify for the benefits of a 100% VA disability rating have several options.
What Kind of Veterans Receive VA Disability Benefits?
Thousands of veterans of your age and with similar medical conditions receive VA disability benefits. These charts show the range of veterans currently receiving monthly compensation as “disabled veterans.”
80% VA Disability Ratings
We share information about 80% rating and three options veterans have to increase their 80% VA disability rating to 100%.
Frequently Asked Questions About VA Disability Back Pay
We answer several frequently asked questions from veterans about how VA disability back pay works.
The PACT Act is Why Widows of Vietnam Veterans Are Filing for DIC Benefits (Again)
If your late spouse was a Vietnam or Gulf War veteran and had a resulting disability, a new law may mean that the VA owes you money previously denied.
What Affects the Size of a VA Back Pay Check?
The VA owes back pay to veterans who file for disability benefits or file an appeal and wait months or years for approval. This post explains more.