Hypertension is common among veterans and can be service connected. Learn how the VA rates high blood pressure on and off medication.
VA Disability Rating for Constrictive Bronchiolitis
Symptoms of constrictive bronchiolitis are similar to asthma, which makes it hard to diagnose. The disease is now on the VA’s list of presumptive conditions associated with exposure to burn pits.
VA Ratings for Lymphoma and Lymphatic Cancers
Lymphoma can be service connected either directly, as a secondary condition, or as a presumptive condition under certain circumstances.
VA Disability Benefits for Agent Orange Exposure
Agent Orange exposure affected tens of thousands of veterans. Learn more about exposure and if you are eligible for VA disability benefits from Agent Orange.
Camp Lejeune Veterans Benefits
Veterans exposed to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune can receive VA disability and health benefits and may be able to take legal action.
How Does the VA Rate Asthma?
Veterans may develop asthma from exposure to toxic substances during active duty service. Learn about VA disability benefits for this chronic condition.