If you have PTSD related to your military service, you deserve compensation from the VA. More than 1 million vets are receiving VA benefits for PTSD.
Can You Get a VA Rating for REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD)?
Studies have found a connection between REM sleep behavior disorder, PTSD, and TBIs, but it can be hard to find info on how the VA handles or rates RBD.
How Restless Legs Syndrome is Related to Other Conditions
Veterans can receive a VA rating for restless legs syndrome on its own or as a secondary service connection to sleep apnea or PTSD.
What to Expect at a C&P Exam for PTSD and Other Mental Health Disorders
…and appeals to the VA. VA disability ratings for mental health disorders The VA rates mental health disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression with diagnostic code 4.130. Your…
How Does Taking Medication Affect My VA Disability?
Whether your VA benefits can be affected by alleviating effects of medication depends on if medication is mentioned under your condition’s diagnostic code.
TBI and PTSD in Veterans
Veterans who experienced a TBI during service are at higher risk for PTSD. Learn how the VA rates veterans with both conditions.