The VA rating for chronic pain is explained by VA disability lawyer Lori Underwood.
Getting an Osteoporosis VA Rating
The risk of osteoporosis is high for many veterans. If the condition ties back to your service, you may be eligible for an osteoporosis VA rating.
VA Disability Rating for Parkinson’s Disease
If you’re a veteran with service-connected Parkinson’s, you’ll want to learn more about getting a VA rating for Parkinson’s disease.
VA Disability Rating for Deep Vein Thrombosis
We explain the DVT VA rating and what veterans who can’t work due to this condition can do to receive additional compensation.
Veterans Can Receive VA Disability for Sciatica
Veterans with sciatica may be eligible for a sciatica VA rating if they can prove that their issue results from their time in the service.
Getting a Cubital Tunnel Syndrome VA Rating
Cubital tunnel syndrome may be related to your military service. We explain how the cubital tunnel syndrome VA rating works.