The VA provides disability benefits for service-connected prostate conditions including prostate cancer and enlarged prostates.
VA Ratings for Lymphoma and Lymphatic Cancers
Lymphoma can be service connected either directly, as a secondary condition, or as a presumptive condition under certain circumstances.
VA Rating for Brain Tumors
Generally, the amount veterans receive in VA disability benefits for brain tumors depends on whether the tumor is benign or malignant. A malignant brain tumor, regardless of type, is rated at 100%, with a minimum residual rating of 30%.
Are There VA Benefits for Smoking?
…diabetes Smoking can cause Type 2 diabetes and also contribute to diabetic complications including heart disease, kidney diseases, and retinopathy. The rating a veteran receives for diabetes depends on…
Atomic Veterans VA Benefits
We explain more about who atomic veterans are and VA radiation exposure presumptives for those seeking disability benefits.