There are several things you can do to be more prepared for your C&P exam. VA disability lawyer Zack Evans explains.
VIDEO: What is Considered One Disability for TDIU Benefits?
What does the VA consider to be one disability for TDIU benefits? VA disability lawyer Joe Scott explains.
VIDEO: How Does the VA Rate Chronic Pain?
The VA rating for chronic pain is explained by VA disability lawyer Lori Underwood.
VIDEO: Is the Appeals Modernization Act Better for Veterans?
The AMA and its benefits for veterans are explained by VA disability lawyer Zack Evans.
VIDEO: 7 Common Misconceptions Veterans Have about TDIU Benefits
What are some common misconceptions veterans have about TDIU? VA disability lawyer Neil Woods explains.
VIDEO: Why Now is a Good Time to File for VA Surviving Spouse Benefits
Now is a good time to file for VA surviving spouse benefits, even if you were denied in the past. VA disability lawyer Zack Evans explains.