Although the VA does not have a diagnostic code for ADHD, veterans looking for ADHD disability benefits might still have success. Learn more.
The VA’s Three Categories of Sleep Disorders
Sleep disorders can be especially hard to manage because they lead to many other secondary-connected veterans disabilities.
Tinnitus and Hearing Loss – The Most Common VA Disability
That ringing in your ears might have started with a hot rod in high school, but if you are a veteran who has tinnitus after military service, you should look…
What Veteran Funeral Benefits Are Available?
The loss of a loved one is a hard time emotionally and practically. The VA provides some services and cash benefits to help surviving spouses with the funeral expenses.
Atomic Veterans VA Benefits
We explain more about who atomic veterans are and VA radiation exposure presumptives for those seeking disability benefits.
SMC Veterans Disability Benefits: Special Monthly Compensation
SMC (Special Monthly Compensation) is given in relation to the difficulty of living a normal life. The VA might give you a disability rating of 70% on your right leg because of an injury that prevents you from working, but an SMC rating would be given because the loss of your right-hand makes it difficult for you to bathe yourself.