Veterans often ask if marijuana use puts their VA benefits at risk. This article explores how the VA handles marijuana use.
What is dependency and indemnity compensation?
Dependency and indemnity compensation (DIC) is a monthly benefit available to surviving spouses, children, or parents of a veteran who died because of a service-connected disability.
What are the symptoms of Gulf War Syndrome?
While the VA is still learning about Gulf War Syndrome, here is the current list of symptoms common among Gulf War Veterans.
How do I maximize my VA disability?
Showing the VA plenty of evidence from professional sources is your best bet to get the highest rating for your service-connected conditions.
Will my wife receive my VA disability when I die?
Surviving spouses of veterans that die from service-connected conditions are eligible for DIC benefits. Make the free call to see if we can help you.
Do you want to claim Individual Unemployability?
If you can’t work because of a service-connected disability, you may be eligible for an Individual Unemployability rating from the Veteran’s Administration.
How do I file for Individual Unemployability?
You can file for Individual Unemployability VA benefits in several ways, but your best bet is to go with a VA disability lawyer.
How do you qualify for TDIU?
Many veterans that can’t work because of their service-connected disabilities get TDIU benefits. These pay at the 100% rate without needing the 100% rating.
How long does VA disability last?
Your VA disability benefits will last for the rest of your life as long as your condition doesn’t improve. Read more details here.
What percentage of VA disability claims are denied?
When you look at the statistics of what the BVA denies and approves, you can see that working with a VA disability lawyer is the best option.